Cma Equalization Of Soqpsk For Aeronautical Telemetry

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Electrical and Computer Engineering


Master of Science

Citation of Original Publication


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This work aims at increasing and enhancing data transfer and communication over aeronautical telemetry between aircraft and a base station. The modulation scheme and structure of the data packets used for transmission are specified by the iNET standards. This packet structure includes known data bits in the form of the ASM and preamble bits, and we consider iNET data structure, which have been transmitted over aeronautical telemetry using shaped offset quadrature-phase shift keying (SOQPSK) modulation scheme. At the receiver in order to recover the transmitted data, we apply a block processing constant modulus algorithm (CMA) equalizer, where each update of the equalizer filter is done using an entire data packet. In addition rather than the usual method of center-tap initialization, we evaluate the performance of CMA when it is initialized by using either the minimum mean square error (MMSE) or the zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer. Two methodologies for real-time application of this block processing CMA equalizer are proposed and evaluated using bit error rates, and these are shown to provide a performance gain of 1-3 dB over the use of either the minimum mean square error (MMSE) or zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer alone.