New Medicare‐Medicaid Enrollees in Maryland: Demographic and Programmatic Characteristics

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Type of Work



Citation of Original Publication

Johnson, K., Folkemer, D., & Stockwell, I. (2012, February 9). New Medicare-Medicaid enrollees in Maryland: Demographic and programmatic characteristics. Baltimore, MD: The Hilltop Institute, UMBC.


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This study, which focuses on new Medicare-Medicaid enrollees in Maryland and the circumstances that shaped their initial eligibility for both programs, is an attempt to begin to address several of the gaps identified in a prior literature review. This report details the demographic and programmatic characteristics of new enrollees. Specifically, it serves as the vehicle for establishing an initial operational definition of new enrollees and developing the terminology needed to describe the circumstances surrounding initial Medicare-Medicaid eligibility.Also under Task 20 of CMS Contract HHSM-500-2005-00026I/Task Order HHSM-500-T0004, awarded by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to Thomson Reuters (Healthcare) Inc., Hilltop prepared Pathways to Medicare-Medicaid Eligibility: A Literature Review and New Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees in Maryland: Prior Medicare and Medicaid Resource Use.