Factors Affecting Performance of GPS Receiver and Solutions for Sustainable Signal

Author/Creator ORCID




Computer Science


Citation of Original Publication

Pathak, N., Basetti, R., Thatikonda, M., & Kovuri, N. (2016). Factors Affecting Performance of GPS Receiver and Solutions for Sustainable Signal. International Journal of Research, 3(8), 472-483. Retrieved from https://edupediapublications.org/journals/index.php/IJR/article/view/4364


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States


This study deals with the factors that affects the functionality of GPS receivers. It intends to give an overview of the potential sources that are causing interference to the GPS signal on the receiver side. It also focuses on the techniques that make an impact in reducing interference level or make them apart. The study procures a quantitative comprehension of the impact of major types of interference. Most of the interfering sources are going to be analyzed with their technical characteristics and the rejection requirements to make them isolated and to keep the good performance of the receiver. Superior methods and circuit designs for GPS signal processing are included which eliminate interference.