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    The joy of pain and the pain of joy: In-group identification predicts schadenfreude and gluckschmerz following rival groups' fortunes
    (Motivation & Emotion, 2015-04) Hoogland, Charles; Schurtz, D. Ryan; Cooper, Chelsea; Combs, David; Brown, Edward; Smith, Richard; Psychology
    Four studies examined how in-group identification in the domain of sports is associated with schadenfreude in reaction to another group's suffering or gluckschmerz in reaction to another group's good fortune. Schadenfreude increased as a function of in-group identification when the outgroup was a rival team rather than a non-rival team in Study 1. Study 2 showed that those who experience schadenfreude at learning of an outgroup player's injury will also tend to feel gluckschmerz when they learn of the player's recovery. Studies 3 and 4 replicated and extended these findings for both schadenfreude and gluckschmerz, and showed that neither the degree of severity of an injury nor the level of physical pain associated with the injury moderated the link between identification and both schadenfreude and gluckschmerz. Mediation analyses indicated that perceived in-group gain or loss, deservedness, and dislike were prime mediators of links between in-group identification and both emotions.
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    A Qualitative Analysis of the Experience of Female Chinese American Church Leaders: Associations with Gender Role, Culture, and Work-Family Balance
    (Pastoral Psychology, 2017-10) Wong, Maria; Worthy, Paige; Fung, Joey; Chen, Eva; Psychology
    This qualitative study explored the unique experiences of seven Chinese American female church leaders, providing examples of the barriers they faced as women and those resulting from cultural conflicts, as well as the impact these factors had on their roles in church ministry. Specifically, the findings addressed the impact of gender roles and culture on these leaders' experiences and the extent to which they were able to achieve work-family balance. The study highlighted the challenges of working with a culturally diverse population as well as the struggles these female leaders faced in a male-dominated field. Furthermore, the factors influencing work-family balance were examined along with strategies for avoiding burnout. Taken together, these findings provided insight into the distinctive experiences of female leaders in ministry and the ways in which churches might be able to better provide for these leaders.
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    Religious Beliefs and Therapeutic Orientations of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists
    (Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1998-06-01) Bilgrave, Dyer P.; Deluty, Robert H.; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
    A 65-item questionnaire was used to examine the relations among religious beliefs and psychotherapeutic orientations in a national sample of 237 clinical and counseling psychologists. Sixty-six percent of these psychologists believed in the transcendent; 72% asserted that their religious beliefs influenced their practice of psychotherapy, and 66% claimed that their practice of therapy influenced their religious beliefs. Psychologists who affirmed Christian beliefs tended to endorse the cognitive-behavioral orientation, and those who affirmed Eastern and mystical beliefs tended to endorse humanistic and existential orientations. These findings suggest (a) that most psychologists synthesize personal Weltanschauungen composed of elements derived from both their study of psychology and their exposure to religion and (b) that these syntheses are not random, that specific religious beliefs are differentially associated with specific psychotherapeutic orientations.
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    Stanislavski’s Acting Method and Control Theory: Commonalities across Time, Place, and Field
    (Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 2004-01-06) Bilgrave, Dyer P.; Deluty, Robert H.; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
    Constantin Stanislavski revolutionized 20th century theater by developing a highly articulated and practical system of acting, now referred to simply as 'the method.' Stanislavski's method presents a model of human behavior and motivation that is strikingly similar to the 'control theory' of psychologists Charles Carver and Michael Scheier. These similarities are in the areas of (a) the regulation of behavior by goals, (b) the process of goal formation, (c) the hierarchical organization of behavior, (d) the disruption of goals by obstacles, (e) outcome expectancies, (f) the sequencing of behavior into units, and (g) the formation of identity. These commonalities provide something akin to 'construct validity' for the basic assertions of each model.
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    Religious Beliefs and Political Ideologies as Predictors of Psychotherapeutic Orientations of Clinical and Counseling Psychologists
    (Psychotherapy, 2002) Bilgrave, Dyer P.; Deluty, Robert H.; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
    Examined the relations among religious beliefs, political ideologies, and psychotherapeutic orientations in 233 34-98 yr old clinical and counseling psychologists. A majority of the respondents affirmed having religious or spiritual beliefs and claimed that their religious beliefs influenced their practice of therapy. Most respondents labeled themselves as politically liberal, and almost half claimed that their political ideologies influenced their practice. The humanistic therapeutic orientation was positively related to Eastern and mystical beliefs, atheistic and agnostic beliefs, and political liberalism; the cognitive-behavioral orientation was positively related to conservative Christian beliefs; and the psychodynamic orientation was negatively related to Eastern and mystical beliefs and positively related to political liberalism. These findings are discussed in the contexts of the scientist practitioner model and postmodern, constructivist thought. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
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    Methamphetamine-Induced Short-Term Increase and Long-Term Decrease in Spatial Working Memory Affects Protein Kinase M Zeta (PKMζ), Dopamine, and Glutamate Receptors
    (Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2014-12-18) Braren, Stephen H.; Drapala, Damian; Tulloch, Ingrid K.; Serrano, Peter A.
    Methamphetamine (MA) is a toxic, addictive drug shown to modulate learning and memory, yet the neural mechanisms are not fully understood. We investigated the effects of 2 weekly injections of MA (30 mg/kg) on working memory using the radial 8-arm maze (RAM) across 5 weeks in adolescent-age mice. MA-treated mice show a significant improvement in working memory performance 1 week following the first MA injection compared to saline-injected controls. Following 5 weeks of MA abstinence mice were re-trained on a reference and working memory version of the RAM to assess cognitive flexibility. MA-treated mice show significantly more working memory errors without effects on reference memory performance. The hippocampus and dorsal striatum were assessed for expression of glutamate receptors subunits, GluA2 and GluN2B; dopamine markers, dopamine 1 receptor (D1), dopamine transporter (DAT) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH); and memory markers, protein kinase M zeta (PKMζ) and protein kinase C zeta (PKCζ). Within the hippocampus, PKMζ and GluA2 are both significantly reduced after MA supporting the poor memory performance. Additionally, a significant increase in GluN2B and decrease in D1 identifies dysregulated synaptic function. In the striatum, MA treatment increased cytosolic DAT and TH levels associated with dopamine hyperfunction. MA treatment significantly reduced GluN2B while increasing both PKMζ and PKCζ within the striatum. We discuss the potential role of PKMζ/PKCζ in modulating dopamine and glutamate receptors after MA treatment. These results identify potential underlying mechanisms for working memory deficits induced by MA. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
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    Validity of the 12-Item French Version of the Tobacco Craving Questionnaire in Treatment-Seeking Smokers
    (Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2010-05) Berlin, Ivan; Singleton, Edward G.; Heishman, Stephen J.; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
    Introduction: The French version of the Tobacco Craving Questionnaire (FTCQ) is a valid and reliable 47-item self-report instrument that assesses tobacco craving in four factors: emotionality, expectancy, compulsivity, and purposefulness. For use in research and clinical settings, we constructed a 12-item version of the FTCQ (FTCQ-12). Method: The FTCQ-12 was administered to treatment-seeking French smokers (n = 310) enrolled in the Adjustment of DOses of NIcotine in Smoking Cessation (ADONIS) trial. We conducted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and examined congruence in factor loadings between the FTCQ and FTCQ-12 to determine the validity and reliability of the FTCQ-12. Measures of tobacco craving, withdrawal, smoking patterns, and smoking history were included to explore the concurrent validity of the FTCQ-12. We used craving scores to distinguish participants who were highly dependent on nicotine from those less dependent on nicotine. Results: CFA indicated excellent fit for a four-factor model, with congruence coefficients indicating moderate similarity in factor patterns and loadings between the FTCQ and FTCQ-12. Individual factors of the FTCQ-12 correlated positively with smoking history and withdrawal variables. Participants who were highly dependent on nicotine were nearly six times more likely to score >5 on the General Craving Score (maximum: 7) than those less dependent on nicotine. Discussion: Findings suggest that the FTCQ-12 measures the same four factors as the FTCQ and TCQ, and these four constructs have unique properties. The FTCQ-12 yields valid and reliable indices of tobacco craving and has potential clinical utility for rapid assessment of tobacco craving in smokers seeking treatment.
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    A Meta-analysis of Parental Satisfaction, Adjustment, and Conflict in Joint Custody and Sole Custody Following Divorce
    (Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, 2012-08) Bauserman, Robert; School of Humanities and Social Sciences; Psychology
    The literature on parental satisfaction, adjustment, and relitigation in joint custody (JC) versus sole custody (SC) following divorce is reviewed. Findings are summarized for custody differences in parental demographics; time spent with father; the father–child relationship; parental satisfaction with custody; parental adjustment, including self-esteem and parenting stress or burden; conflict between ex-spouses; and relitigation. JC was associated with equivalent or better outcomes than SC in the father–child relationship, parenting stress, parental conflict and relitigation, and overall adjustment. Satisfaction with custody is greatest for both mothers and fathers when they have SC, less in JC, and least for noncustodial parents. Future researchers need larger, more representative samples followed over time. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
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    Jane Austen and the Victorian Heroine
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) Wilson, Cheryl A.; School of Humanities & Social Science
    This book uses the figure of the Victorian heroine as a lens through which to examine Jane Austen’s presence in Victorian critical and popular writings. Aimed at Victorianist readers and scholars, the book focuses on the ways in which Austen was constructed in fiction, criticism, and biography over the course of the nineteenth century. For the Victorians, Austen became a kind of cultural shorthand, representing a distant, yet not too-distant, historical past that the Victorians both drew on and defined themselves against with regard to such topics as gender, literature, and national identity. Austen influenced the development of the Victorian literary heroine, and when cast as a heroine herself, was deployed in debates about the responsibilities of the novelist and the ability of fiction to shape social and cultural norms. Thus, the study is as much, if not more, about the Victorians than it is about Jane Austen.