Instructors' Self-Perceived Pedagogical Principle Implementation in the Online Environment.

Author/Creator ORCID




Stevenson University Online


Citation of Original Publication

Zhang, J., & Walls, R. T. (2006). Instructors' self-perceived pedagogical principle implementation in the online environment. (Undetermined). Quarterly Review Of Distance Education, 7(4), 413-450.




This study explored online instructors' perceptions of their implementation of Chickering and Gamson's Seven Principles and the factors that influenced instructors' implementations. Results reveal that endorsement of the seven principles by online instructors varied significantly from one principle to another. The least-endorsed of the principles was encourage cooperation among students, and the most endorsed was communicate high expectations. Instructional strategies and technology features positively influenced implementations of the Seven Principles, while time and distance negatively influenced the implementations. Significantly more implementation of the encourage active learning principle occurred for participants teaching courses in humanities than for those teaching science and technology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]