Link Dependent Adaptive Radio

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Author/Creator ORCID



Type of Work


Electrical and Computer Engineering


Master of Science

Citation of Original Publication


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In this paper, telemetry communication system parameters are adapted based on the channel conditions to allow transmission of higher data rates compared to the baseline that is dened in integrated networked telemetry (iNET) project. This project is funded by Test Resource Management Center (TRMC) and in collaboration with Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), we were able to adapt QAM modulation size and coding rate based on the instantaneous bit error rate of the link to achieve higher throughput. The simulation is done in MATLAB and Simulink for a sample ight path. The improved data rate with link dependent adaptive radio LDAR over the iNET baseline is shown in results. The dynamic behavior of the channel are also imple- mented through use of channel simulator developed using log distance path loss model and two ray ground re ection model.For this case, results are displayed by comparing performance of Link Dependent Adaptive Radio with and without the use of channel dynamics.