Perry Sweeper, Director of Student MediaThe Editorial Team2024-07-302024-07-302011-11-02's Note: This issue combines the October 19th edition with the November 2nd edition. The October 19th edition covers Homecoming 2011 and the welcome of the new university president, Dr. David Wilson. The November 2nd edition addresses the new Student Center, rising tuition rates in Maryland, and pays tribute to Julian Benson, Mr. Morgan 2009-2010, who recently passed away. One of Morgan’s Own Launches Publication: J. Cole, a Morgan State University alumnus, successfully launches his publication. Bearly Poets: Bearly Poets, a spoken-word club at Morgan State University, provides a platform for students to express themselves through poetry. Founded by Sunny Williams, the club aims to improve members' grammar, communication skills, and professionalism. The club's inspiration came from UPS (Underground Poetry Spot) at Syracuse University.16 pagesenProperty of Morgan State UniversityAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States and Opinions, Editor’s CommentsNews - Campus and LocalStudent extracurricular activities and cultural eventsThe Spokesman - Friday, 11-02-2011Text