Dasgupta, SunilBrown, AnthonyO’Malley, Katie Curran2023-04-072023-04-072022-04-08Dasgupta, Sunil. "Anthony Brown and Katie O’Malley for MD Attorney General IHP Candidate Interview" Interview with Anthony Brown and Katie Curran O’Malley. I Hate Politics Podcast. April 08, 2022. https://ihppod.libsyn.com/ihp-candidate-interviews-anthony-brown-and-katie-omalley-for-md-attorney-general.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/27474The Maryland Attorney General’s race in 2022 features two heavyweights on the Democratic side. Sunil Dasgupta talks with Congressman Anthony Brown, who served as lieutenant governor before and ran to be governor; and with Judge Katie Curran O’Malley, former first lady of the state and longtime circuit court judge in Baltimore. They talk about public safety, civil rights, and rethinking the office. Music for this episode comes from DC-based singer-songwriter Emily Hall.59 mins 36 secsen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author. I Hate PoliticsAnthony Brown and Katie O’Malley for MD Attorney General IHP Candidate InterviewSound