Folkemer, Donna C.Somerville, Martha H.Mueller, Carl H.Brow, Avery L. R.Brunner, Michelle A.Boddie‐Willis, Cynthia L.Nolin, Michael A.2019-07-092019-04-052011-04 is the second issue brief in a series released by Hilltoprquote s Hospital Community Benefit Program. It takes a closer look at three aspects of community benefits affected by ‘a79007 of the Affordable Care Act, “Additional Requirements for Nonprofit Hospitals”: community health needs assessment; hospital financial assistance and billing and collection policies; and community benefit reporting and oversight strategies. The brief considers each of these requirements against a backdrop of federal and state law and practice.20 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Hospital Community Benefit ProgramAffordable Care Act (ACA)Community Heath Needs Assessmentfinancial assistancebilling and collection practicesCommunity Benefit reporting and oversightHospital Community Benefits after the ACA: Building on State ExperienceText