Anderson, HaroldEleuterio, SusanAlvarez Shepard, MichaelTyndall, Monique2017-12-192017-12-192017-12-19 includes historical profiles of ancestors. Oral and written family histories with included historical research regarding the social, economic and political impacts on the tribal communities that they belonged to. An abbreviated family tree has been provided to serve as a guide. Each family history profile is accompanied by a personal reflection. These provide a critical analysis and cultural meaning of the story.This autoethnography examines how my genealogical research and critical examination of the stories of my family through a decolonial and indigenous lens is a resistance to the contemporary colonial mandate…to eradicate Indigenous existence…through the erasure of the histories and geographies that provide the foundation for Indigenous cultural identities and sense of self. By identifying the presence of historical and contemporary narratives about who we are as a people, how we relate to others, and the world around us; cultural workers can make a difference by conceptualizing true identities for self and the cultural field. By identifying these narratives, cultural workers can begin to critically analyze whether existing discourses, practices and processes are producing outcomes that are beneficial for the people that the cultures belong to. This autoethnography explores a journey towards knowing self through the stories and research of my family so that I can better understand what is unique about identity.59 pagesen-USCollection may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. To obtain information or permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Goucher Special Collections & Archives at 410-337-6347 or email identityautoethnographycultural competencecultural safteycultural awarenessIndigenous CultureIndigenous Wellbeingcritical reflectionindigenous researchfamily historyblood quantumNative American politicsFederally recognized tribesStockbridge-Munsee Band of MohicansMohicanMunseeLenapeDelaware IndiansWisconsin--Shawano Countyrelational ontologyThree Fires Midewiwin Lodgeclan systemspirit nameresistanceCultural sustainability -- Capstone (Graduate)Restringing Pathways to the Ancestors: An Indigenous Family History ProjectText