Kılıç, Işıl Doğa YakutPan, Shimei2025-01-082025-01-082016Kılıç, Işıl Doğa Yakut, and Shimei Pan. “Cross-Domain Error Correction in Personality Prediction.” ECAI 2016, 2016, 1742–43. this paper, we analyze domain bias in automated textbased personality prediction, and proposes a novel method to correct domain bias. The proposed approach is very general since it requires neither retraining a personality prediction system using examples from a new domain, nor any knowledge of the original training data used to develop the system. We conduct several experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the method, and the findings indicate a significant improvement of prediction accuracy.2 pagesen-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International CC BY-NC 4.0 Error Correction in Personality PredictionText