Joshi, Karuna PandeBanerjee, Agniva2021-01-292021-01-292018-01-0111863 important requirement of any information management system is to protect data and resources against leak or improper modifications, while at the same time ensure data availability to legitimate users. Moreover, systems handling personal data must also track its provenance and be regularly audited to comply with regulations. By assuring auditable, privacy policy compliant actions, we can also guarantee that areas where privacy policies have been technically enforced are highlighted. As part of this theses, we have built a novel framework to automatically track details about how a consumer's private data is stored, used and shared by a Cloud provider. We have created a semantically rich data privacy ontology and integrated it with the properties of blockchain, to develop an automated access-control and audit mechanism that enforces users' data privacy policies when sharing their data across third parties. Our blockchain based data-sharing solution addresses two of the most critical challenges specifically: transaction verification and permissioned data obfuscation. Our solution ensures accountability for data sharing in cloud, by incorporating a secure and efficient system for End-to-End provenance. We concur that decisions regarding the collection, sharing, and use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) must take into account both ethical and privacy considerations.application:pdfBig-DataBlockchainOntologyPrivacy PolicySemantic WebDATA PRIVACY MANAGEMENT USING PRIVACY COMPLIANT BLOCKCHAIN STRUCTURESText