UMBC Faculty CollectionUMBC Geography and Environmental Systems DepartmentUMBC Chemical, Biochemical & Environmental Engineering DepartmentCui, ZhengtaoWelty, ClaireGold, Arthur J.Groffman, Peter M.Kaushal, Sujay S.Miller, Andrew J.2018-09-212018-09-212016-03-21Cui, Z., C. Welty, A.J. Gold. P. Groffman, S. Kaushal, A.J. Miller. Use of a three-dimensional reactive solute transport model for evaluation of bioreactor placement in channel restoration, Journal of Environmental Quality,45 (3), 2016, doi:10.2134/jeq2015.06.033010.2134/jeq2015.06.0330 three-dimensional groundwater flow and multispecies reactive transport model was used to strategically design placement of bioreactors in the subsurface to achieve maximum removal of nitrate along restored stream reaches. Two hypothetical stream restoration scenarios were evaluated over stream reaches of 40 and 94 m: a step-pool scenario and a channel re-meandering scenario. For the step-pool scenario, bioreactors were placed at locations where mass fluxes of groundwater and nitrate were highest. Bioreactors installed over 50% of the total channel length of a step-pool scenario (located to intercept maximum groundwater and nitrate mass flux) removed nitrate-N entering the channel at a rate of 36.5 kg N yr⁻¹ (100 g N d⁻¹), achieving about 65% of the removal of a whole-length bioreactor. Bioreactor placement for the re-meandering scenario was designed using a criterion of either highest nitrate mass flux or highest groundwater flux, but not both, because they did not occur together. Bioreactors installed at maximum nitrate flux locations (53% of the total channel length) on the western bank removed nitrate-N entering the channel at 62.0 kg N yr⁻¹ (170 g N d⁻¹), achieving 85% of nitrate-N removal of whole-length bioreactors for the re-meandering scenario. Bioreactors installed at maximum groundwater flux locations on the western bank along approximately 40% of the re-meandering channel achieved about 65% of nitrate removal of whole-length bioreactors. Placing bioreactors at maximum nitrate flux locations improved denitrification efficiency. Due to low groundwater velocities, bioreactor nitrate-N removal was found to be nitrate limited for all scenarios.8 pagesen-USThis item may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. It is made available by UMBC for non-commercial research and education. For permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the author.nitratesgroundwaterUMBC High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF)3D reactive transport modelsubsurface bioreactor placementNitrate-N removal ratesthree-dimensional groundwater flow and multispecies reactive transport modelplacement of bioreactors in the subsurface to achieve maximum removal of nitrate along restored stream reachesstep-pool hypothetical stream restoration scenariochannel re-meandering hypothetical steam restoration scenarioUse of a Three-Dimensional Reactive Solute Transport Model for Evaluation of Bioreactor Placement in Stream RestorationText