Nohe, TimothyCheatam, Safiyah2022-02-092022-02-092020-01-0112370 Counter-Memory to Counter-Culture: Black Islam in the U.S. Through a Mundane Afrofuturist Lens is a multi-generational look at moments of Mundane Afrofuturism within the lives of Black Muslims in the U.S., emphasizing the concepts of counter-memory and counter-culture as key cultural and political approaches toward subversion and innovation. Consisting of three artworks, the exhibition space is intended to act as an unveiling of information, recognizing Black folks' historical and ongoing relationship to accessing knowledge.application:pdfAfrofuturismBlack IslamCounter-cultureCounter-memoryMundane AfrofuturismFrom Counter-Memory to Counter-Culture: Black Islam in the U.S. Through a Mundane Afrofuturist LensText