Hodges, Linda C.Anderson, Eric C.Carpenter, TaraCui, LiliGierasch, Tiffany MalinkyLeupen, SarahNanes, Kalman M.Wagner, Cynthia R.2019-02-282019-02-282015Hodges LC, Anderson EC, Carpenter TS, Cui L, Gierasch TM, Leupen S, Nanes KM, Wagner CR (2015). Using Reading Quizzes in STEM – The What, Why, and How. Journal of College Science Teaching 45: 45-59; https://my.nsta.org/resource/?id=10.2505/4/jcst15_045_01_49http://hdl.handle.net/11603/12898Many active learning pedagogies depend on students' preparing for class in advance. One common method for holding students accountable for this preparation is the use of reading quizzes. When used thoughtfully, reading quizzes can also actually promote student learning through the testing effect. In this article we describe why and how we use reading quizzes in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics courses. We point out the advantages and disadvantages of various delivery methods, such as in class or online, on paper or via clickers, and individual or team based. Our examples highlight the role of these quizzes in promoting student preparedness and in providing feedback to both students and instructors about student learning. Drawing on the literature and our experience, we answer questions that instructors may have about how to use these quizzes to help them achieve their goals for student learning.y7 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.quizzesteam-based learningcredit-carryinglow-stakestesting effectUsing Reading Quizzes in STEM Classes—The What, Why, and HowText