Beechem, Katie2016-03-092016-03-092009 the Faculty Nominator: Katie wrote Impact of Deforestation on Adjacent Small Stream Ecosystems for BIO 240 (Ecology and Evolution). The assignment was to review an ecological or evolutionary topic of the students’ choosing. Papers were to include a synthesis of the current state of knowledge of the subject, the relevance of the topic, and any controversial issues surrounding the area. I was impressed with Katie’s original choice of topic and her comprehensive review of not only the biological implications, but also the important physical and chemical aspects of deforestation.If there is one theme that pervades nearly every branch of ecology, it is the complex connectivity of each being to its physical, chemical, and biological surroundings. Though inherently fascinating, these relationships reach a new level of importance when human beings are drawn into the system. In this literature review paper for Dr. Cynthia Kicklighter’s Ecology and Evolution course, I chose to compile information from several independent scientific studies about the impact of deforestation on adjacent small streams - a topic that vividly represents the far-reaching environmental “domino effect" of this single human action.10 p.en-USCollection may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. To obtain information or permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Goucher Special Collections & Archives at 410-337-6347 or email -- Periodicals.Humanities -- Research -- Periodicals.Social sciences -- Research -- Periodicals.Impact of Deforestation on Adjacent Small Stream EcosystemsText