Nicholls, Stephen D.Mohr, Karen I.2019-04-252019-04-252019-04-25Stephen D. Nicholls, Karen I. Mohr, An Automated Detection Methodology for Dry Well-Mixed Layers, Jtech, 2019, intense surface heating over arid land surfaces produces dry well-mixed layers (WML) via dry convection. These layers are characterized by nearly constant potential temperature and low, nearly constant water vapor mixing ratio. To further the study of dry WMLs, we created a detection methodology and supporting software to automate the identification and characterization of dry WMLs from multiple data sources including rawinsondes, remote sensing platforms, and model products. The software is a modular code written in Python, an open-source language. Radiosondes from a network of synoptic stations in North Africa were used to develop and test the WML detection process. The detection involves an iterative decision tree that ingests a vertical profile from an input data file, performs a quality check for sufficient data density, and then searches upward through the column for successive points where the simultaneous changes in water vapor mixing ratio and potential temperature are less than the specified maxima. If points in the vertical profile meet the dry WML identification criteria, statistics are generated detailing the characteristics of each layer in the profile. At the end of the vertical profile analysis, there is an option to plot analyzed profiles in a variety of file formats. Initial results show that the detection methodology can be successfully applied across a wide variety of input data and North African environments and for all seasons. It is sensitive enough to identify dry WMLs from other types of isentropic phenomena such as subsidence layers and distinguish the current day’s dry WML from previous days.19 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Access to this item will begin on February 28, 2020atmosphereAfricaalgorithmsProfilers, atmosphericradiosonde observationsAn Automated Detection Methodology for Dry Well-Mixed LayersText