Anik, Md Toufiq HasanEbrahimabadi, MohammadPirsiavash, HamedKarimi, NaghmehDanger, Jean-LucGuilley, Sylvain2021-01-202021-01-202020-10-04Anik, Md Toufiq Hasan; Ebrahimabadi, Mohammad; Pirsiavash, Hamed; Karimi, Naghmeh; Danger, Jean-Luc; Guilley, Sylvain; On-Chip Voltage and Temperature Digital Sensor for Security, Reliability, and Portability; ICCD'20; item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.chipsdigital sensorsecurityreliabilityportabilityOn-Chip Voltage and Temperature Digital Sensor for Security, Reliability, and PortabilityMovingImage