Dasgupta, SunilKim, Yeon2024-07-122024-07-122024-05-24Dasgupta, Sunil, host. Interview with Yeon Kim. "Did You Miss the GIS Revolution in Local Government?" I Hate Politics Podcasts. May 24, 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2nCnzuhL1UpED8BtTKRuXb.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/34868Listen to this episode from I Hate Politics Podcast on Spotify. Electronic mapping and the databases that drive it–together known as Geographic Information System or GIS–have revolutionized how local government works from street repair to summer camps. Sunil Dasgupta talks with Yeon Kim, the founding manager of the GIS unit for the City of Gaithersburg, about the impact on municipal services, public information, and decision-making in city hall. Music from Damascus, MD,-based rapper and music producer Cataclizm: youtube.com/@thereckoning301.28 minutes 28 secondsen-USDid you Miss the GIS Revolution in Local Government?Sound