Fowler, DanielleSwatman, Paul Anthony2017-06-132017-06-131997Danielle C. Fowler and Paul A. Swatman. 1997. Presenting object oriented formal requirements specifications: insights from an action research study. In Proceedings of the 1st Irish conference on Formal Methods (IW-FM'97), Henry McGloughlin and Gerard O'Regan (Eds.). BCS Learning & Development Ltd., Swindon, UK, 1-13.3-540-76196-9. paper describes, in outline, our experiences in structuring and presenting formal requirements specifications, and in particular the insights gained from an action research study undertaken within the Western Australian state government. The overall aim of the project was to evaluate and enhance an information systems development method, known as FOOM (Formal Object Oriented Method). FOOM was synthesised from research into: --- the object oriented approach --- mathematically formal specification languages --- socio-organisational contextual analysis15 pagesen-USaction research studyobject oriented formal requirement specificationwestern australian state governmentsocio-organisational contextual analysissophisticated userdeveloper designerformal object oriented methodformal specificationoverall aiminformation system development methodformal modelling approachspecification structurespecification validationfoom requirement specification documentformal specification language object-zformal requirement specificationrequirement specificationprecise communicationPresenting Object Oriented Formal Requirements Specifications: Insights From An Action Research StudyText