Belyaeva, IrinaLong, QunfangAdali, Tulay2020-11-192020-11-192020Belyaeva, Irina; Long, Qunfang; Adali, Tulay; Inexact Proximal Conjugate Subgradient Algorithm for fMRI Data Completion; EUSIPCO 2020; 2020Tensor representations have proven useful for many problems, including data completion. A promising application for tensor completion is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data that has an inherent four-dimensional (4D) structure and is prone to missing voxels and regions due to issues in acquisition. A key component of successful tensor completion is a rank estimation. While widely used as a convex relaxation of the tensor rank, tensor nuclear norm (TNN) imposes strong low-rank constraints on all tensor modes to be simultaneously low-rank and often leads to suboptimal solutions. We propose a novel tensor completion model in tensor train (TT) format with a proximal conjugate subgradient (PCS-TT) method for solving the nonconvex rank minimization problem by using properties of Moreau’s decomposition. PCS-TT allows the use of a wide range of robust estimators and can be used for data completion and sparse signal recovery problems. We present experimental results for data completion in fMRI, where PCS-TT demonstrates significant improvements compared with competing methods. In addition, we present results that demonstrate the advantages of considering the 4D structure of the fMRI data. as opposed to using three- and two-dimensional representations that have dominated the work on fMRI analysis.5 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.tensor representationsfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)tensor nuclear norm (TNN)Inexact Proximal Conjugate Subgradient Algorithm for fMRI Data CompletionText