Dasgupta, SunilChenoweth, KarinPrice, Jerome2023-03-162023-03-162021-06-25Dasgupta, Sunil. "Schools: Leadership First, Then Budgets" Interview with Karin Chenoweth and Jerome Price. I Hate Politics podcast. Jun 25, 2021. https://ihppod.libsyn.com/schools-leadership-first-then-budgets.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/26985In this episode, Sunil Dasgupta talks with education author Karin Chenoweth about her new book, Districts that Succeed, where she looks at five successful school districts that beat severe challenges, and with Richard Montgomery High School (MCPS) history teacher Jerome Price about how schools need to practice what they preach on anti-racism. Very local news. Music from The Airport 77s.56 mins 16 secsen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author. I Hate PoliticsSchools: Leadership First, Then BudgetsSound