Satyapanich, TaneeyaFinin, Tim2018-10-172018-10-172016-11-14 of the 9th Text Analysis WorkshopThis paper describes the Event Nugget Detection system that we submitted to the TAC KBP 2016 Event Track. We sent out two runs; UMBC1 and UMBC2. UMBC1 is a sentence-level classification system based on Convolution Neural Network and applied the probability to select a word as an event nugget. UMBC2 is the classification model trained from our features using Weka and filtered out low confidence prediction output using threshold. Our performance was low; we got F1 measure of 34.14 for UMBC1 and 35.24 for UMBC2.5 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Event Nugget DetectionUMBC2probabilityConvolution Neural NetworkUMBC Ebiquity Research GroupEvent Nugget Detection using Thresholding and Classification TechniquesText