Norris, Donald2023-08-172023-08-171983Norris, Donald F., "Cart-Based Automated and Semi-Automated Residential Refuse Collection" (1983). Publications. 181. National Conference on Waste Management in Canada, Lake Louise, Alberta, October, 1982A relatively few years ago, a new technology for residential refuse collection was introduced in urban America. This was the automated collection of residential refuse using standardized roll-out containers, or carts and it occurred in 1969-1970 in Scottsdale, Arizona. In the years since, just over 300 communities in the United States--and I understand some in Canada as well--have implemented automated or semi-automated, cart-based residential refuse collection systems.15 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.residential refuse collectioncart-based residential refuse collection systemsCart-Based Automated and Semi-Automated Residential Refuse CollectionText