LaCourse, William RPitman, Ciara N2022-09-292022-09-292022-01-0112548 Ionization Desorption Analysis Source (MIDAS) is a powerful tool for rapid food authenticity and adulteration detection. The goal of this research is to investigate the versatility of the MIDAS as an analytical tool for several applications with the focus being on food adulteration detection and authenticity. MIDAS followed by Time-of-Flight mass spectrometry was used to authenticate commonly adulterated foods (i.e., vanilla extracts, vanilla beans, and black peppercorns). The analysis of vanilla beans and black peppercorns spurred the creation of additional sample platforms to secure solid samples under the gas stream during analysis. In addition, the applications highlighted the versatility of the MIDAS to be used for liquids, pastes, and solids. In addition to food analysis, the MIDAS has the potential of being utilized in the forensic field. Rapid detection techniques such as chromatographic and other ambient ionization sources that have been used in the food field overlap with those seen in the forensic field. Metabolites of THC and nicotine in synthetic earwax was conducted to further demonstrate the versatility of the MIDAS as an ionization source. Cotton swabs were introduced as a sample holder for earwax analysis. MIDAS is a rapid, powerful, and flexible analytical tool that can be applied to vast array of sample types (i.e., powders, pastes, solids, waxes) and therefore would be advantageous to many fields of study.application:pdfThis item may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. It is made available by UMBC for non-commercial research and education. For permission to publish or reproduce, please see or contact Special Collections at speccoll(at)umbc.eduDAPCIFood AuthenticityMass SpectrometryMIDASMOLECULAR IONIZATION DESORPTION ANALYSIS SOURCE FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY: FOOD AUTHENTICITY AND OTHER APPLICATIONSText