Chan, EmilyYaukey, SuzannaDickman, DainaLawson, Nicole2024-10-212024-10-212022 new technologies and paradigms for creating and sharing work, scholars across all fields have seen changes in research output, dissemination and preservation of the scholarly record, emergent publishing models, and the measurement of scholarly impact. Libraries have broadly defined their efforts to support these facets of the research lifecycle as “scholarly communication” services. A growing number of libraries have invested in personnel, software, and other resources to advance these programs, including those from M1 Carnegie-classified public institutions.28 pages; 7 pages; 3 pagesen-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States librariesScholarly communicationLibrary assessmentEvaluating scholarly communication programs at large master's level institutions: Findings and rubrics from the IMLS-funded scholarly communication assessment forumText