Belyaeva, IrinaGabrielson, BenWang, Yu-PingWilson, Tony W.Calhoun, Vince D.Stephen, Julia M.Adali, Tulay2023-01-062023-01-062022-08-24Belyaeva, I., Gabrielson, B., Wang, YP. et al. Multi-Subject Analysis for Brain Developmental Patterns Discovery via Tensor Decomposition of MEG Data. Neuroinform (2022). of informative signatures from electrophysiological signals is important for understanding brain developmental patterns, where techniques such as magnetoencephalography (MEG) are particularly useful. However, less attention has been given to fully utilizing the multidimensional nature of MEG data for extracting components that describe these patterns. Methods: Tensor factorizations of MEG yield components that encapsulate the data’s multidimensional nature, providing parsimonious models identifying latent brain patterns for meaningful summarization of neural processes. To address the need for meaningful MEG signatures for studies of pediatric cohorts, we propose a tensor-based approach for extracting developmental signatures of multi-subject MEG data. We employ the canonical polyadic (CP) decomposition for estimating latent spatiotemporal components of the data, and use these components for group level statistical inference. Results: Using CP decomposition along with hierarchical clustering, we were able to extract typical early and late latency event-related field (ERF) components that were discriminative of high and low performance groups (p < 0.05) and significantly correlated with major cognitive domains such as attention, episodic memory, executive function, and language comprehension. Conclusion: We demonstrate that tensor-based group level statistical inference of MEG can produce signatures descriptive of the multidimensional MEG data. Furthermore, these features can be used to study group differences in brain patterns and cognitive function of healthy children. Significance: We provide an effective tool that may be useful for assessing child developmental status and brain function directly from electrophysiological measurements and facilitate the prospective assessment of cognitive processes.35 pagesen-USThis version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review (when applicable) and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: to this item will begin on 08/24/2023Multi-Subject Analysis for Brain Developmental Patterns Discovery via Tensor Decomposition of MEG DataText