Travis E. MItchell, Executive EditorThe Editorial Team2024-10-152024-10-151990-09-04 and SAT Scores: The issue discusses the decline in African-American male enrollment in colleges, despite an increase in high school graduation rates among African-American students. The report highlights that while overall college enrollment grew, African-American male college enrollment dropped by 34,000 . It addresses the criticism of the SAT as an unfair barrier to higher education for minorities and women, noting disparities in SAT scores among different racial and ethnic groups ​(The Spokesmman, Feb 23,…)​. Financial Aid and Its Impact: The document examines the reduction in federal financial aid during the Reagan administration and its adverse effects on black students attending historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). It highlights the struggle students face in securing sufficient financial aid and the reliance on loans and deferred payment plans . It also includes data from a UCLA survey on the percentage of freshmen receiving federal Pell Grants, showing a significant decrease from 1981 to 1987 . Campus Security Issues: There is a report on an altercation at a Pan-Hellenic Council party, which led to increased campus security measures and discussions about improving police protection on campus. The incident involved a non-student striking a female student, resulting in campus security calling for assistance from Baltimore city police​(The Spokesmman, Mar 6, …)​ . Community and Student Government Initiatives: The appointment of Rev. Frank Drumwright as the new director of the Morgan Christian Center is announced, highlighting his background and commitment to the spiritual needs of the university community . The Student Government Association (SGA) is active in addressing student concerns and promoting involvement in student governance. Chante Anderson, the SGA president, emphasizes the need for student empowerment and better teacher evaluations . Challenges and Improvements: The document discusses the ongoing challenges faced by the university in terms of funding, security, and student engagement. It calls for more effective leadership and unity among the student body to address these issues and improve the overall campus environmentFull edition of 16 pagesen-USProperty of Morgan State UniversityAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesEconomic Issues - Student and CampusHBCUsCampus Safety and CrimeStudent Government AssociationStudent LifeThe Spokesman, Sep 4, 1990, Vol. 2, No. 1Text