Smiley, Kevin T.Clay, LaurenRoss, Ashley D.Chen, Yu-An2025-01-222025-01-222022-01-11Smiley, Kevin T., Lauren A. Clay, Ashley D. Ross, and Yu-An Chen. “Multi-Scalar and Multi-Dimensional Conceptions of Social Capital and Mental Health Impacts after Disaster: The Case of Hurricane Harvey.” Disasters 46, no. 2 (2022): 473–98. much research investigates how social capital relates to mental health after disasters, less work employs a multi-scalar, multi-dimensional social capital framework. This study applies such a construct to an analysis of novel survey data of approximately 1,000 rural and urban Texans after Hurricane Harvey struck the United States in August 2017. On the individual level, it finds that greater social support is linked to fewer mental health impacts, but that greater civic and organisational engagement is connected to greater mental health impacts. At the community level, it finds that neither a density of bridging social capital organisations nor of bonding social capital organisations is associated with poorer mental health, although a greater number of bonding organisations is related to negative mental health impacts on rural residents. The paper concludes by focusing on how individual and community social capital relationships with mental health are contingent on measurement, scale, and rural or urban location.32 pagesen-USThis is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Smiley, Kevin T., Lauren A. Clay, Ashley D. Ross, and Yu-An Chen. “Multi-Scalar and Multi-Dimensional Conceptions of Social Capital and Mental Health Impacts after Disaster: The Case of Hurricane Harvey.” Disasters 46, no. 2 (2022): 473–98., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.civic engagementsocial supportHoustonbonding social capitalruralbridging social capitalHurricane Harveymental healthurbanMulti-scalar and multi-dimensional conceptions of social capital and mental health impacts after disaster: the case of Hurricane HarveyText