Russell, LaurenYu, LeiAndrews, Michael2021-04-072021-04-072021-02-16Lauren Russell, Lei Yu and Michael J. Andrews, Long-Run Educational Attainment E ects of Local Colleges: Evidence from the Establishment of U.S. Colleges, study the e ects of a college on local education attainment using historical college establishment experiments in which "runner-up" locations were strongly considered to become college sites but ultimately not chosen for as-good-as-random reasons. While losing counties have since had opportunity to establish their own colleges, we show that winners have more years of exposure to a college over their history and are more likely to have a college today. Using this variation, we find that winners have 14 percentage points higher contemporary rates of bachelor's and graduate degree attainment. This educational attainment gap has widened over time26 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.educationlocal collegeseffects of collegehistorical college establishment experimentsLong-Run Educational Attainment E ects of Local Colleges: Evidence from the Establishment of US CollegesText