Watkins, Dwight2021-01-132021-01-132019-01-07Watkins, D. (2019, January 7). Don't just watch "Surviving R. Kelly": The lifetime series alone won't be the end of the story. Salon. https://www.salon.com/2019/01/06/dont-just-watch-surviving-r-kelly-the-lifetime-series-alone-wont-be-the-end-of-the-story/http://hdl.handle.net/11603/20460If you're angry and disturbed by the Lifetime docuseries, the #MuteRKelly campaign has been underway for some time.Public Domain Mark 1.0R.KellyR&B artistMusicSurviving R. Kellymusician's historynarcissismsexual abusesexual abuse and domestic violenceBoycottLobby authoritiesDon't just watch "Surviving R. Kelly"Text