Maxwell, Rachel2020-03-252020-03-252019 idea of schizophrenics being innately violent is an extremely controversial topic that has been widely researched. Stigmas can stem from lack of understanding of mental illness therefore the only way to obtain an accurate view a mental illness is to refer to the facts and critical studies. Schizophrenia is shown in a dark light to the public and it is important to distinguish any potential relationship there may or may not be between schizophrenics and violence. Most of the violence can be attributed to various factors such as childhood upbringing, conductive disorder, substance abuse, noncompliance to medicine, maltreatment of care takers, lack of support, etc. All of the factors come in to play differently in severity levels. Observing and educating oneself to know the proper measures to take will help someone suffering from schizophrenia.19 pagesen-USSchizophreniaViolenceMental illnessSchizophrenia and ViolenceText