DeRitter, Megan E.2016-02-242016-02-242014-05 study examines the impact of teacher interaction and instructional strategies on students’ mindset along with the relationship between students’ type of mindset (entity and incremental) and reading motivation. Dweck (2007) has conducted extensive research on individuals’ views on intelligence and ability and this study was an extension of her findings that teacher language could impact students’ mindsets. In this study, 20 third graders who attended a public charter school completed a scale based on, the Mindset Assessment Tool (MAT), assessing their mindset, fixed or growth. In addition, their reading motivation was assessed with the Motivation to Read Profile (MRP), which consisted of scales assessing their self-concept as readers and their value of reading. Six students identified as having a fixed mindset participated in a 12 day intervention where growth-oriented language was implemented throughout reading activities and challenges. At the end of the intervention the 20 students were re-administered the original scales. No significant difference was found between the fixed and growth mindset groups’ reading motivation scores before or after the intervention. In addition, this study found the experimental groups’ mindset (fixed) was not significantly influenced by the small-group intervention infused with purposeful teaching strategies and language. Hence the null hypotheses that pre and post intervention motivation to read would be statistically equivalent for students initially identified as having fixed and growth mindsets were retained. The null hypothesis that MAT scores for students with fixed mindsets would not change significantly due to the intervention also was retained.45 p.en-USCollection may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. To obtain information or permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Goucher Special Collections & Archives at 410-337-6347 or email -- Research papers (Graduate)Motivation in education -- ResearchLearning, Psychology of -- ResearchReading -- ResearchMindset and its Impact on Reading MotivationText