Demond, Marlayna2021-02-172021-02-17UMBC faculty, alumni entrepreneurs receive record-number of MIPS awards for tech collaborations, Marlayna DemondSix UMBC faculty members have just received grants from the Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS) program to develop new technologies with potential to grow the state’s economy. This is UMBC’s largest number of winning proposals within a single proposal round since MIPS began in 1987.en-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Tim OatesChein-I ChangAnupam JoshiSoobum LeeDipanjan PanVikram VakhariaentrepreneursaquaculturecybersecurityUMBC faculty, alumni entrepreneurs receive record-number of MIPS awards for tech collaborationsText