Mahr, Philip2020-02-272020-02-272018 research will address the connection between millennials and information technologies, with a focus on how technology use is affecting workplace behavior. This study will identify how information technologies are promoting three common millennial behavioral concerns known as narcissism, complexity avoidance, and instant gratification. Collectively, much research has been done to understand millennial behavior complexities, however, little has been created relating technology use and behavior. The three generations of concern to this study are known as millennials, baby boomers, and Generation Xers who are defined by differences in age, culture, life events and behavioral characteristics. Research shows the behavioral differences between the generations, especially in millennials, are driven by their use of information technologies. This research determines whether the three behavioral concerns are supported by data and will highlight the significant generational differences that influence behavior in the workplace. We confirm the behaviors are promoted by the use of information technologies and are most prevalent in millennials. In conclusion, a comprehensive three-step plan will be explained to help generations understand millennial behavior in the multigenerational work environment. The purpose of the potential management practices is to provide stronger organizational membership for years to come. The goal of this research is to help readers understand the complexities of millennial behavior in relation to information technology use.27 pagesen-USInformation technologyMillennialsWork environmentHow Information Technologies are Affecting Millennials in the WorkplaceText