Watkins, Dwight2018-03-142018-03-142016-10-30Watkins, D. (2016, October 30). Is America More Racist or Sexist? Admitedly, It's a Tough Call. Salon.com. https://www.salon.com/2016/10/30/is-america-more-racist-or-more-sexist-admittedly-its-a-tough-call/.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/7864Want a scary thought? There are people in this country who believe that America is a nonsexist place in a post-racial world. They agree that our country is a place of infinite growth and equal opportunity for advancements that has come a long way. Maybe what they really should be asking is this: Is America more sexist or more racist? That’s a question I’m often confronted with, and struggle with myself. There are a number of things to consider -- issues and policies that could pull the argument in either direction. Examining our own government and our hiring practices are key indicators. The first issue to consider is universal suffrage -- at least for men.5 pagesen-USIs America More Racist or Sexist? Admitedly, It's a Tough CallText