Oldenburg, Aaron2021-01-042021-01-042018Oldenburg, A. (2018). Heaven and Hellscapes: Exploring Altered Mind States through Procedural Environments. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art (pp. 138-142). Faculty of Arts and Design, Durban University of Technology.978-0-620-80332-8http://hdl.handle.net/11603/20270This paper discusses the results of several original digital game design experiments where generative landscapes are created to reference states of consciousness. Their designs take inspiration from hypnagogic states, geographically-located psychic trauma and dream-states, unconscious player input, dissociative worlds, and landscapes as autonomous, emotional entities. This series is a work-in-progress that points to future paths in expressive generative landscape design.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesvideogameneurosciencesspiritualitypsychedelicartgamesimulationlandscapedocugamedreamabstractHeaven and Hellscapes: Exploring Altered Mind States through Procedural EnvironmentsText