Smith, Oney P.Laufer, CraigBoyd, Ann L.Boyd, Ann L.Wade, Anna2020-11-182020-11-182020-11-16 cancer is responsible for one-quarter of cancer-related deaths (Siegel, 2019). Lung cancer contains cellular heterogeneity and various genetic mutations (Chen, 2014). Supplying drug development studies clonal 3D cultures allows testing the efficacy of their drug on the expected target. Identifying different anti-cancer drugs for corresponding cancer mutations is a step towards personalized cancer medicine.Current anti-cancer drug development studies are progressing towards the use of 3D organoid cell line cultures generated from cancer patient tumors for in vitro models. Establishing clonal 3D culture cell lines in vitro from a patient’s tumor will supply drug trials the type of model containing their target without the additional cells- that differ and may interfere with the results of the drug study. This would precede the tested drug being combined with others for personalized cancer medicine for the patient. Lung cancer, similar to other cancer types, may result from more than one cellular mutation and be a heterogeneous collection of cells. Targeting different cell subpopulations of the tumor is a solution to eradicate the entire cancer. This project will identify the benefits presented by using clonal cancer cell lines generated in 3D culture compared to clones grown in 2D culture through establishing lung cancer clonal 3D cultures in optimal conditions, isolating cell populations found in lung cancer, and testing anti-cancer drug efficacy on 2D and 3D cultures.35 pagesen-USclonal3D culture2D cultureorganoidlung cancercancerclonal 3D culture3D culture clonesEXAMINING GENETIC PROPERTIES AND CELLULAR STRUCTURES OF CLONAL 3D CULTURES CONSTRUCTED FROM PATIENT- DERIVED ORGANOIDSText