Morse, JoelRoss, Jetaime2019-03-122019-03-122018-01-06Morse, J. N., & Ross, J. (2018, January 6). A Forensic Economics Approach to Reparations. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved from article published in the Baltimore Sun."House of Representatives Bill 40, introduced three years ago as of Wednesday — back when Freddie Gray was still alive in Baltimore and a Donald Trump presidency seemed implausible — suggests that reparations should be paid to descendants of slaves held between 1619 and 1865. The bill is conceptual and political, but, like many reparations efforts, short on details regarding dollar amounts and eligibility; it instead proposes the creation of a commission to study the cause."3 pagesen-USforensic economicshouse of representativesreparationsinstitutional racismA Forensic Economics Approach to ReparationsText