McGraw, Tyler2020-03-252020-03-252019 primary method of transportation for most objects is currently one that relies on friction as the motive force, usually generated by wheels contacting the ground. Necessary contact with the ground for motion not only imposes numerous restrictions on movement but can also prevent traversal of difficult areas entirely. With the design of a hoverboard, there exists the potential for a greater amount of freedom in movement and maneuverability. Ideally such a hoverboard will be designed with the ability to lift at least a 150-pound load, consisting of either a person or cargo. To attempt a hoverboard design that fulfills these requirements as efficiently as possible, aerodynamic theory and mechanics of materials will be combined with a study of existing hoverboard designs and modem advancements in power storage and electric motors.52 pagesen-USPhysicsGravityHoverboardsTransportationDefying Gravity: Design of a HoverboardText