Thiruvadi, SheelaAbabneh, Musab Mohammad2018-04-272018-04-272015 dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay examines the association between going concern audit opinions and real earnings management. The second essay examines the association between corporate governance and real earnings management. The third essay investigates the effect of effective corporate governance on going concern firms' survival rate. The results for my first essay indicate that firms with going concern audit opinions report abnormally low cash flow from operations and abnormally high production costs. The findings for my second essay show that more frequent board meetings and the presence of at least one female director on the audit committee constrain real earnings management at going concern firms. The third essay results show that larger audit committee size improves the survival rate of going concern firms.enThis item is made available by Morgan State University for personal, educational, and research purposes in accordance with Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Other uses may require permission from the copyright owner.AccountingCorporate governanceThe Association Between Going Concern Audit Opinion, Corporate Governance, And Real Earnings ManagementText