Lee, MichelleGethers, KeithFundack, AshleyBradley, DebbiePfeifer, Heather2018-05-222018-05-222014-10Bradley, D., Lee, M., Gethers, K., Fudack, A., & Pfeifer, H. Editors (2014, October). THE RVAAM ALUMNI Academy Forum http://nebula.wsimg.com/eff2639de0f5727344649a68550c98cc?AccessKeyId=C7371544003AAB1766F1&disposition=0&alloworigin=1http://hdl.handle.net/11603/10813Quarterly NewsletterCan you believe summer is already a thing of the past! It was such a cool summer, it kind of felt like we were dealing with fall already. But I do so love the fall colors, opening up my windows and smelling the autumn air! Speaking of something fresh, you will notice we have eliminated the 20/20 section of the newsletter and replaced it with the Alumni Showcase. We plan to showcase an alumnus each newsletter so you all have the opportunity to get to know him/her a bit better. This edition’s alumnus profile is very exciting and is a perfect fit for our newsletter’s theme of self-care. Be sure to read it and share it with your colleagues!!My hope this quarter for you all is that you take away some really great things on self-care. Self-care is so important in our line of work yet we tend to forget about ourselves because we are always doing for others. One of the simplest ways you can take care of yourself on a daily basis is to find something to make you laugh. Laughing is such a great stress reliever and you can do it anytime, anywhere. So go ahead and find something to laugh about today!7 pagesen-USRVAAMvictimologytraumaSelf-CareThe RVAAM Alumni Academy Forum Quarterly NewsletterText