Clark, James Gregory2024-10-022024-10-021982 brevipalpis has been successfully mass reared using the larvae of Aedes atropalpis as a food source in place of Aedes aegypti larvae. Because T. brevipalpis larvae are predacious on the Aedes aegypti larvae which often share their habitats in nature, T. brevipalpis can be potential agents for the biological control of these vectors. Previously, to rear enough T. brevipalpis for a biological control program required the rearing of millions of possible vector A. aegypti as a food source. This constituted a hazardous situation. However, A. atropalpis mosquitoes are not known to be vectors of disease. Using A. atropalpis larvae to feed T. brevipalpis larvae would provide a safe alternative to rearing millions of potential vector A. aegypti. The results of this experiment suggest that T. brevipalpis can be successfully reared to maturity on A. atropalpis larvae and that they are biologically equivalent to T. brevipalpis reared on A. aegypti larvae.31 pagesen-USTHE MASS REARING OF TOXORHYNCHITES BREVIPALPIS ON THE LARVAE OF THE AUTOGENOUS MOSQUITO, AEDES ATROPALPISText