Bowman, ChristinaBrager, GaryJones, Erika2019-07-092019-07-092019-07-09 purpose of this study was to determine is mentoring relationships, specifically the implementation of the Check In Check Out program, would decrease negative behavior in students. The measurement tool used in this study was the county recorded office referrals, tracked over the course of three quarters of the school year. The study used a quasi-experimental design where 12 students were chosen based on their office referrals in Quarter 1 to participate in the mentoring program. Although further study of the Check In Check Out program is necessary, this study showed that it did have a strong impact on decreasing the number of office referrals the participating students earned in the two quarters of implementation.25 pagesen-USThis work may be protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. To obtain information or permission to publish or reproduce, please contact the Goucher Special Collections & Archives at 410-337-6347 or email 1.0 Universal In Check OutMentoringBehaviorOffice ReferralsElementary SchoolEducation -- Research papers (Graduate).The Effect of Mentoring Relationships on Negative Office ReferralsText