Phillips, Karon LWolfe, Megan2022-10-132022-10-132021-10-04Karon L Phillips, PhD, MPH, CHES, Megan Wolfe, JD, Promoting Health Equity Through Partnerships, Public Policy & Aging Report, Volume 31, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 151–154, for America’s Health’s (TFAH’s) Age-Friendly Public Health Systems (AFPHS) initiative is focused on helping states identify and embrace their roles in older adult health. Funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation, the goal of this project is to enhance the ability of departments of public health across the country to support the health of older adults in their communities through policy, systems, and programmatic changes. As the percentage of the American population that is age 65 and older increases, innovative approaches and partnerships have emerged to support healthy aging. Public health and aging sectors have historically operated in silos, but several public health systems across the country have developed strong programs that have prioritized older adult health. A public health approach to supporting the well-being of older adults will not only improve their health, but also reduce medical costs associated with poor health.4 pagesen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.Age-friendlyCollaborationEquity Healthy agingPublic healthPromoting Health Equity Through PartnershipsText