Catania, A. Charles2024-05-062024-05-062023-12-15Catania, A. Charles. A Behavior Analyst Talks About Freedom and Choice: Webinar Aired 12/05/23. Behavior Development Solutions (Dec 15, 2023). Charles Catania, Ph.D. will discuss how definitions of freedom range from those that appeal to minimizing coercive control to those that concentrate on philosophical considerations such as the distinction between freedom and determinism. We will consider the vocabulary of freedom and related terms such as volition, and then will consider research on the reinforcing effects of opportunities for choice. Along the way we will also comment on the issues raised by Skinner’s book, “Beyond Freedom and Dignity,” and Chomsky’s review of it.1 hr 43 mins 32 secsen-USCharles Cataniabehavior analytic thinkingdefinitions of freedom rangedistinction between freedom and determinismA Behavior Analyst Talks About Freedom and Choice: webinar aired 12/05/23Moving Image