Natalucci, L.Beckmann, V.Bazzano, A.Fiocchi, M.Tarana, A.Ubertini, P.Rosa, A. DeWalter, R.Cadolle-Bel, M.Falanga, M.Gotz, D.Goldwurm, A.Mereghetti, S.Sidoli, L.Leyder, J.Piraino, S.Pottschmidt, KatjaWatanabe, K.2023-10-042023-10-042008-03-19Natalucci, L. et al. “INTEGRAL detection of the outburst of SAX J1750.8-2900”. ATel.1434, (19 March 2008). item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.X-rayGamma RayBinaryNeutron StarTransientINTEGRAL detection of the outburst of SAX J1750.8-2900Text