Dasgupta, Sunil2024-06-112024-06-112024-05-14Dasgupta, Sunil, host. "I Hate the News May 14." I Hate Politics Podcast. May 14, 2024. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3H7TGPboweML9yo81UxUj5http://hdl.handle.net/11603/34603Maryland Primary Day 2024; what early voting yielded for turnout. Student protests in the Washington DC region die down and Congress holds hearings on antisemtism in schools including in Montgomery County. City of Rockville asks the regional Transportation Planning Board to remove the I-270 toll lane project from the list for studying air quality impacts while Virginia seeks to add toll lanes on Woodrow Wilson Bridge in space designated for transit. Music from Doogie Whittaker and the Lonesome Mile.16 minutes 10 secondsen-USI Hate PoliticsI Hate the News May 14Sound