Dasgupta, SunilFogel, David2023-05-252023-05-252023-05-05Dasgupta, Sunil. "Why Are There 20 Coffee Shops in Downtown" Interview with David Fogel. I Hate Politics Podcast. May 05, 2023. https://open.spotify.com/episode/5uY5BSCf5rMbjfBGNL6Tto.http://hdl.handle.net/11603/28074Downtown Silver Spring is a half square mile area and it has 20 coffee shops. It has had roughly 20 coffee shops since 2017, but the list keeps changing with closings and openings. Why do new coffee shop owners believe they can make this difficult business work for them? Sunil Dasgupta talks with David Fogel, owner of longtime DTSS coffeeshop, Bump ‘n’ Grind, about the economics of coffeeshops in Silver Spring. Music from Alexandria, Va, alt-rock band, Jackie and The Treehorns: jackieandthetreehorns.com Dan Reed’s DTSS Coffeeshop Roll Call: https://bit.ly/3NCuOX2 MCAP info: https://bit.ly/3LV91IT41 mins 31 secsen-USThis item is likely protected under Title 17 of the U.S. Copyright Law. Unless on a Creative Commons license, for uses protected by Copyright Law, contact the copyright holder or the author.I Hate PoliticsWhy Are There 20 Coffee Shops in Downtown Silver Spring?Text