Dull, Margaret E.2016-04-222016-04-222016-01Dull, M. E. (2016). Moving Metadata Forward with BIBFRAME: An Interview with Rebecca Guenther. Serials Review, 42(1), 65-69. doi:10.1080/00987913.2016.11410320098-7913http://hdl.handle.net/11603/2780In November 2015, Margaret Dull interviewed Rebecca Guenther, metadata consultant, educator, and former senior networking and standards specialist at the Library of Congress. Guenther shared her views on developing metadata standards in a rapidly changing environment, focusing particularly on the development and emergence of BIBFRAME. She also shared her thoughts on her work as a metadata consultant and teaching emerging library and information professionals.en-USInterviewsBIBFRAMEMetadataMoving Metadata Forward with BIBFRAME: An Interview with Rebecca GuentherText